
saffron (1)


Saffron is the most expensive plant found in the world. Being so expensive, it is also called red gold. Cultivation of saffron is very easy and simple. Saffron crop does not require much hard work. Also, its harvest period is also 3 – 4 months and it can grow up to 15-20 cm in height. Its prices are also increasing day by day, through which farmers can earn good profit.

Wild saffron is botanically known as Crocus cartwrightianus. The commercially cultivated saffron is botanically called Crocus sativus.

Uses of Saffron

  • Saffron is used as a flavouring and colouring agent in milk and milk sweets.
  • It is used as a seasoning agent in cheese, mayonnaise, meat, etc.
  • They are used as a flavouring and seasoning agent in the Mughlai cuisine.
  • In Ayurveda, it is used for healing arthritis, infertility, liver enlargement and fever.
  • It is commercially used in perfumes and cosmetics.
How to Grow Better Seedlings:

After selecting the best rhizome. Next, place them aside for several days to enable the split surface region to recover and grow a callus.

Ginger grows gradually, particularly outside. If you are a complete beginner to ginger farming, we will suggest you be patient. However, the sprout might arise within several days if you’re fortunate.

Continue to water for at least a two weeks. Keep hoping…

Do not place the bed under direct sun. A movable tray bed is recommended. In this stage, it needs 3-4 hour of sunlight in the morning and evening. Naturally, one acre of land needs 600 – 800 kg of seed-ginger to sow.

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    Progressive banana varieties

    In local languages, this banana is known as Bhusavali, Basrai, Marisas, Kabuli, Sindurani etc.
    It is very popular in India.
    Its plant is small, while the fruits are large.
    Its pulp appears soft and sweet in food.

    This variety is also known as Bambegreen and Harichal.
    The areas of the Western Deep Group are famous mainly for its cultivation.
    The banana plants can be 3 to 4 meters in height.
    While their stem is medium thick and thick green.
    Green fruits develop in them.
    On an average, each bunch weighs between 25 and 30.
    Fruits are yellow.

    Customer Feedback

    Planting & Removal Charges

    Within a your budget you can freshen up your plant with a few key upgrades that will increase your home’s curb appeal. A new gravel driveway or concrete walkway can make your home look like new. Small budgets are good for breaking up a larger project into manageable chunks, so you might splurge for a nice walkway this year and deal with the driveway later.

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