Techniques to Growing Blueberries Aquaphonic Farming

Did you know that the modern blueberry is a 20th-century invention? Before the 1900s, the only way to enjoy these North American natives was to find them in the wild. Then, scientists started to unlock the secrets of cultivating blueberries—and we’re glad they did! Here’s how to grow blueberries in your garden.

Plump, juicy blueberries are now easy to grow in your backyard on bushes that are resistant to most pests and diseases, and can produce for up to 20 years. A relative of rhododendron and azalea, blueberry bushes aren’t just a great fruiting plant but also an attractive addition to your overall landscape, offering scarlet fall foliage and creamy-white, bell-shaped spring flowers.


  • Select a sunny, sheltered spot. While blueberries are tolerant of shade, better crops are obtained in the sun. At the same time, they should not be exposed to harsh, drying winds.
  • Don’t plant blueberries too close to trees, as the trees will not only block out sunlight, but will also suck up any moisture in the soil.
  • If planting multiple bushes, it’s best to plant them in a patch, rather than scattered throughout your garden. This will bolster berry production and quality.
  • The blueberry is a shallow-rooted plant. Therefore, it requires a soil that holds moisture, but also drains well and doesn’t stay wet. Don’t plant blueberries in sites that have heavy, clayey soils that stay wet.
  • Blueberries thrive in soil that is acidic. The soil pH should ideally be between 4 and 5. Soil can be acidified by mixing a small amount of granulated sulfur into the soil several months before planting. Peat moss, as well as pine bark or needles, are also good additions that will help acidify your soil.
  • Mix organic matter into the soil before you set your blueberry bushes. (See more about soil amendments and preparing soil for planting.)

Blueberries are distinct among fruit plants in some of their requirements. They need low pH – acidic conditions and will not grow under alkaline conditions. Blueberry plants are impossible to grow in conventional soil gardens with an alkaline pH regardless of the soil amendments added. In the hydroponics system, this is easier to control than Blueberries grown in soil but does require diligence.
Do not confuse Hydroponic ph and Soil pH. The optimal pH level for standard nutrient solutions is between 5.5-6.0, although most plants can still survive in an environment with a pH of between 5.0 and 7.5. If the nutrient solution or growing medium is too alkaline or too acidic many of the vital hydroponic nutrients will be wasted, un-absorbed by the plant. the pH level of Blueberries must be kept at 4.5 to 5.8 and 1260-1360ppm.

Harvesting of Hydroponic Blueberries

Harvesting of Blueberries is one of the most rewarding tasks of an indoor Hydroponic Farming . Ideally, berries must be left to fully ripen and color on the plant before harvest. Then, this ensures the full flavor profile and aroma have developed. Perfectly ripe Blueberries are soft and fragile; raspberries need careful handling and must be eaten as soon as possible after harvest.

Progressive banana varieties

In local languages, this banana is known as Bhusavali, Basrai, Marisas, Kabuli, Sindurani etc.
It is very popular in India.
Its plant is small, while the fruits are large.
Its pulp appears soft and sweet in food.

This variety is also known as Bambegreen and Harichal.
The areas of the Western Deep Group are famous mainly for its cultivation.
The banana plants can be 3 to 4 meters in height.
While their stem is medium thick and thick green.
Green fruits develop in them.
On an average, each bunch weighs between 25 and 30.
Fruits are yellow.

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