Introduction – Zucchini, also known as courgette, is a summer squash in the Cucurbitaceae plant family, alongside melons, spaghetti squash, and cucumbers.It can grow to more than 3.2 feet (1 meter) in length but is usually harvested when still immature — typically measuring under 8 inches (20 cm).Although zucchini is often considered a vegetable, it is botanically classified as a fruit. It occurs in several varieties, which range in color from deep yellow to dark green.While squashes originated in the Americas, this particular variety was first developed in the early 1800s in Italy (1Trusted Source).Zucchini has been used in folk medicine to treat colds, aches, and various health conditions. However, not all of its uses are backed by science.Here are 12 evidence-based benefits of zucchini.
Nutrients and vitamins found in zucchini can help prevent cancer and heart disease.A zucchini has more potassium than a banana.
Rich in Many Nutrients
Zucchini is rich in several vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds. One cup (223 grams) of cooked zucchini provides (2Trusted Source):
Calories: 17
Protein: 1 gram
Fat: less than 1 gram
Carbs: 3 grams
Sugar: 1 gram
Fiber: 1 gram
Vitamin A: 40% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Manganese: 16% of the RDI
Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI
Potassium: 13% of the RDI
Magnesium: 10% of the RDI
Vitamin K: 9% of the RDI
Folate: 8% of the RDI
Copper: 8% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 7% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 7% of the RDI
Thiamine: 5% of the RDI
It also contains small amounts of iron, calcium, zinc, and several other B vitamins. In particular, its ample vitamin A content may support your vision and immune system. Raw zucchini offers a similar nutrition profile as cooked zucchini, but with less vitamin A and more vitamin C, a nutrient which tends to be reduced by cooking.
Zucchini contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds. Cooked zucchini is particularly high in vitamin A, though raw zucchini contains slightly less.Zucchini is a versatile squash rich in vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.It offers several health benefits, ranging from improved digestion to a lower risk of heart disease.Zucchini aids your bones, thyroid, and prostate.
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Progressive banana varieties
In local languages, this banana is known as Bhusavali, Basrai, Marisas, Kabuli, Sindurani etc.
It is very popular in India.
Its plant is small, while the fruits are large.
Its pulp appears soft and sweet in food.
This variety is also known as Bambegreen and Harichal.
The areas of the Western Deep Group are famous mainly for its cultivation.
The banana plants can be 3 to 4 meters in height.
While their stem is medium thick and thick green.
Green fruits develop in them.
On an average, each bunch weighs between 25 and 30.
Fruits are yellow.